How long does it take to make the first pot of gold in the currency circle?

Everyone's situation is different, and the first pot of gold is tentatively set at 1 million yuan.

Then, it depends on two aspects.

One is the bull market, such as the crazy zoo in 2021. Even if you buy the big dog after Ma Yilong's call, you can get 8 to 10 times. Assuming that your principal is 10,000, you can also make 80,000 to 100,000 in just over a month. But in 2021, the big dog is just the beginning. If you are more sensitive, you will also find shib. Yes, it was also Ma Yilong's call. There is at least ten times the space in the second level. One way or another, 100 times, you may think it is hindsight, but what I want to say is that here, the extraction of information is the password.

One is the bear market. Even if the big cake is unstable, if you choose a good sector, you will have a good harvest. For example, the shoes in 2022 are very crazy, and the second level can break a hundred times. As for the boring ape, I won't talk about it in detail.

Although I can't help you make 1 million yuan in one go, but a little bit of money will make a lot. It depends on whether you trust me.

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