Non-farm data is coming, turning the market around and making profits is not a dream

Non-farm data is an important indicator reflecting the employment status of non-agricultural personnel in the United States, including three key values: non-farm employment rate, non-farm employment number and unemployment rate.

It is released by the Bureau of Labor Statistics of the U.S. Department of Labor on the first Friday of each month at 8:30 pm (April to October) or 9:30 pm (November to March of the following year).

Non-farm data includes previous values, expected values ​​and actual published values, which have a great impact on the currency market, especially the value of the US dollar. A strong employment report can push interest rates up and make the US dollar more attractive to foreign investors. Non-farm data objectively reflects the health of the US economy.

In recent exchange rates, the US dollar is extremely sensitive to non-farm data: data higher than the previous value is good for the US dollar; data lower than expected is bad for the US dollar.

Seize the opportunity of non-farm data release, and turning the market around and making profits is not a dream.

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