#德国政府转移比特币 #Mt.Gox将启动偿还计划 Does the German government's behavior constitute malicious manipulation in the financial market?

If it is in traditional finance, such a large amount of transfer and sale is definitely malicious manipulation. If it is a person, he would have been in prison long ago. Why is he still here and shouting that he sold it? !

So the legally confiscated funds flow into the market, becoming an irregular and legally malicious market manipulation. What can you do? Moreover, they are not holding it for the crypto market, and they don't even bring any benefits to the crypto market. They would rather keep this part of the funds in the hands of hackers or the convicted people than take it out now as an irregular and unpredictable market sell-off.

However, this decline seems to have relieved the pressure on the market in advance. BTC fell after going out of the M top at a high level, and fell to the current accelerated decline.

At present, it seems that the resistance to the decline is at $2,830. After falling to $2,810, it also closed. The current decline has slowed down significantly.

So in the process of slowing down the decline, which tokens with explosive growth opportunities can be considered? $IO seems to be one of them.

#IO去中心化算力网络 is the core technology of IO, and the AI ​​and DePIN sectors are the most hype content.

AI has three attributes:

Randomness: AI is random, and the mechanism behind its content production is a black box that is difficult to reproduce and explore, so the results are also random

Resource-intensive: AI is a resource-intensive industry that requires a lot of energy, chips, and computing power

Human-like intelligence: AI (soon) will be able to pass the Turing test, and after that, it will be difficult to distinguish between humans and machines*

AI requires a lot of computing resources, whether for training models or reasoning.

In the training practice of large language models, as long as the scale of data parameters is large enough, large language models will emerge with some capabilities that were not available before. The exponential leap of each generation of GPT capabilities compared to the previous generation is behind the exponential growth of the amount of computing for model training.

If fossil energy is the blood of the industrial age, then computing power may be the blood of the new digital age opened by AI, and the supply of computing power will become the infrastructure of the AI ​​era.

The future market of IO.NET is highly anticipated.