I am a person who cannot bear to see others lose money, but the market often makes many people lose money. Lao Jiu has no other way to deal with this. I can only keep posting and give objective and realistic views based on my own experience!

For the current market, it is not fun! Old friends all know that if even I say it is not fun, then the market is really not fun, and the trend of the past two days has proved this point!

The current unfun is reflected in the copycat targets. The copycat targets with good gains in the early stage have experienced a deep correction, and some friends have even turned from early profits to losses, which has greatly hit the market sentiment!

In the short term, as long as you dare to chase the rise, it will dare to press you, and Lao Jiu can't do it! This is chasing the rise, so is it okay to lurk at a low level? It is not fun either. The high position is just receding, not completely receding. They still occupy a lot of funds. Even if some funds are switched between high and low, they can't cut out the effect or benefit!

The best response in this situation is to wait. This is the most pertinent view given by Lao Jiu based on the market. I estimate that we will have to wait in the first half of next week. I hope that friends can retain their vitality during this chaotic period. Only in this way, when the switch is completed, we can better participate in the counterattack!

Friends, don’t be afraid of missing out. Anyway, Lao Jiu has been watching here. When the real signal appears, I will also share it! #非农就业数据即将公布 #BTC走势分析 $BTC