The market is depressed 📉

It's always interesting at what point a person stops being guided by logic.

We all know simple truths:

- buy on loyi

- sell at high prices

- do not drain during drawdowns

- don't follow the crowd

Do we know? We know.

But at some point you wake up in the morning and think:

- I’ll salt the whole cue ball today, the market is completely covered...

And you consciously join the herd of deer.

Like, now I understand that it’s just traders who are jealous of smart people who realized in time that the crypto market was a scam and sold while they could. They envy and call people names.

At what point does this happen to a person? Riddle 🤔

I'll end the post like this:

— there is a limited number of bitcoins in the world

— every year, access to some of these bitcoins is also lost, that is, in fact, there are even fewer of them than stated

— if we take the annual picture, then every year more and more people enter crypto and the first thing they want to buy is what? bitcoins

Is it necessary to sell a coin, the demand for which is growing, and the supply is decreasing?

Of course you should, right?

A deer will not give bad advice, he is a cute and smart animal 🕊️

#Bitcoin $BTC