There are four levels of thinking in trading

1. No reflection at all: This kind of people never think they are wrong, they always think they are always right.

2. Reflect on others: This kind of people will reflect, but they always blame others for their mistakes, such as thinking that the advice of a big V is unreliable, or thinking that XX is too bad.

3. Self-reflection but not public: They can reflect on their mistakes, but they will not tell others.

4. Self-reflection and public: They not only reflect on their mistakes, but also tell others where they are wrong and share ways to improve.

It is certain that one and two account for the vast majority. This part of people is doomed to fail. If you want to make money in trading, you must have three and four thinking.

If you want to know specific opportunities and specific decisions, check the introduction, you can get the position allocation strategy, teach you how to make money in the bull market and make money in the bear market

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