📢Blockchain News Flash! Bloomberg analyst Balchunas recently said that compared with the inflow of US spot Bitcoin ETF, the launch of the spot Ethereum ETF may be disappointing. 😮Why?

Balchunas explained that Bitcoin's value proposition as "digital gold" is relatively easy to understand, while Ethereum and its broader DeFi ecosystem are more similar to technology stocks, which makes it more difficult for traditional retail investors to understand. 🤔

So, he believes that the spot Ethereum ETF is just a "supporting role" for the spot Bitcoin ETF. 😅But this does not mean that Ethereum has no value, it just means that Bitcoin may be easier to accept and understand for the general public.

We remain optimistic about Bitcoin, but we also pay attention to the development of other cryptocurrencies such as Ethereum. 👀The blockchain industry is changing rapidly, let us pay attention to and explore this new world full of possibilities together! 🚀