Why are there so many people playing the cryptocurrency contract after it was liquidated?

In this circle, someone once made 150 million yuan in a year with 30,000 yuan

His name is Bit King, the first person in the cryptocurrency circle, with a peak of 5,000 times

After several liquidations, he realized the truth and retired!

The core of Bit King's trading is basically the same as ours, looking for points with high profit and loss ratios, points with high certainty, and working hard:

The smaller the funds, the more you should use small funds to gamble with high leverage. Don't feel bad if you lose. If you do it right once, you can directly make more than ten times, and even a hundred times in a bull market! The larger the funds, the more you should reduce leverage and wait patiently for the big market. When the opportunity comes, dare to operate with heavy positions!

So we often say that high leverage is not a problem, but high leverage and heavy position operation is a problem. Short-term trading is not a problem, but high-frequency ultra-short trading is a problem!

All about trading is waiting. When a good point is reached, your trading system sends a strong signal, and you can act decisively. Usually, you should observe and review more and do less!

You asked me why so many people still want to play after their positions are liquidated, because they all want to become the Bitcoin King. I have told you the method, can you do it?

Of course, this requires a certain amount of luck, wait for a bull market!

In the bull market but don’t know what to do, pay attention to me, bull market spot contract planning, precise layout of the entire bull market, see me to find me

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