A recent article titled "How to Spend History's Garbage Time" has sparked heated discussions in the industry. The so-called "garbage time" in history refers to a period when the economic trend is obviously bad and individuals find it difficult to change the overall situation. This phenomenon is particularly evident in the cryptocurrency industry, because the gains of cryptocurrencies are often concentrated in a few days.

The Case for Historical Garbage Time

Several typical examples of “junk time” include Japan’s economic stagnation in the 1990s, the Great Stagnation in the United States from 1970 to 1982, and the Soviet Union’s recession from 1979 to 1989. During these periods, no matter how hard individuals tried, it was difficult to escape the adverse effects of the overall environment.

Garbage time in the cryptocurrency world

In the investment market, garbage time is even more significant. Bitcoin's gains are mainly concentrated in a few days each year, which results in the market being depressed most of the time and making it difficult for investors to find opportunities.

preventive solution

Facing the garbage time in the cryptocurrency circle, investors can adopt the following strategies:

1. Lie down Many Japanese people chose to "lie down" after the economic bubble burst, and no longer strive for economic success. In the cryptocurrency world, this means staying away from frequent transactions, returning to the essence of life, and enjoying life.

2. In the 1990s in Japan, many companies chose to go overseas to look for new opportunities. In terms of investment, when a market is in garbage time, you can turn your attention to other markets, such as US stocks or other crypto assets.

3. Roll up When the market cannot expand, in order to gain more benefits, you must work harder than others. This "roll up" strategy is particularly evident in on-chain transactions. By participating in the project early and using liquidity to exit, you can gain benefits in the fierce competition.

Future Outlook

History has proven that patience and rational analysis are key during garbage time. Although you may have missed the best time to invest in Bitcoin, you can still gain benefits in the future through fixed investment and other methods.

In summary, although the garbage time in the cryptocurrency circle is difficult to endure, as long as the right strategy is adopted, opportunities can still be found. Whether it is lying flat, running out or rolling up, you need to choose the appropriate response method according to your own situation to get through this difficult period.


In garbage time, personal choice is crucial. History tells us that even in the worst times, as long as we persist in our efforts and adopt appropriate strategies, we can always find a way forward. As Zhang Yuangan of the Southern Song Dynasty said: "After the rain, the flying flowers know the bottom, and getting drunk wins freedom." In the face of garbage time in the cryptocurrency circle, only by staying calm and responding reasonably can we usher in a new dawn in the future.

I hope this article can provide some inspiration for everyone and help investors find the way forward during the garbage time in the cryptocurrency circle.