Will there be a violent bull market in 2024?

This question has been asked since last year. Basically, every few months, someone will ask if the bull market has come.

In April, someone asked if there was a possibility of a full bull market in April, but it fell all the way. In July, someone said that the market would turn around in July after the May and June. The bull market should appear in July, but the market fell to the end of August. The stamp duty was reduced at the end of August. Someone else said that the bull market should come this time with such a big positive, but it fell all the way to the end of October.

The United States is going to cut interest rates, so it should rise now, but it is still falling to this day, so if you like to guess, then keep guessing.

You thought you bought the bottom, but later you found that you bought it halfway up the mountain. You thought you would see the bottom after falling halfway down the mountain. It turns out that there is a basement. After falling below the basement, you think it can't fall anymore, right? It turns out that there is still an eighteen-level hell under the basement.

First of all, we must recognize the situation and ourselves. The purpose of coming to this circle is to change our lives. Please build a complete plan for yourself. When to buy? When to sell? What to buy, what is the strategy? How to do risk control?

And these, you just need, and I just have them, so what are you still hesitating about?

Quickly follow the collection! ! !

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