Most of the liquidation on the chain has been liquidated

1. #ETH There are a total of 270 million US dollars that can be liquidated above the price of 2,000 US dollars, which is basically unprofitable. There are only two orders of 10 million that can be liquidated recently, one with a price of 2,800 US dollars and the other with 2,600 US dollars;

2. #WBTC There are no large-scale on-chain loans that can be liquidated. There are only more than 100 million US dollars above 40,000 US dollars, and the latest 10 million order is also at 42,000 US dollars;

So no matter whether it will continue to fall, the purpose of the dealer is not to clear the loan leverage on the chain, and there is no liquidation bomb on the chain.

#德国政府转移比特币 #Mt.Gox将启动偿还计划