The cryptocurrency market has been falling recently, and the market sentiment is depressed, but as the saying goes, "extremes will reverse", now is the golden time to buy the bottom of popular currencies!

The cryptocurrency market seems to always repeat the rhythm of last year: first a panic drop, followed by a rapid rebound.

Now, the panic is in place, and it depends on when the market will start the next wave of pull-ups. I expect that once the rebound starts, the speed will be very fast, maybe within ten days or half a month. At that time, we will be able to see which altcoins will emerge.

Entering the market now is like picking up gold everywhere, but every chip seems to carry a bloody lesson. From the plunge in April, to the brief respite in May, to the halving again in June, altcoins have experienced a lot of tests.

The currencies that are still rising in the market are all strong and hot currencies. Therefore, it is particularly important to screen currencies. Remember, chase hot spots and seize opportunities, all success comes from your full efforts.

It is indeed not easy to make money in the cryptocurrency circle, but if you can do a good job of risk management and mentality adjustment, you can at least beat most people. If you can't bear the market volatility, it is recommended that you wait and see, or simply hold the spot and wait for the opportunity.

The current market is in a deep wash phase, and this is a moment when every investor needs to be vigilant. When most people are cheering the arrival of the bull market, you may need to calm down and remember the old saying: "Buy when no one cares, sell when the noise is loud."

Recently, mainstream coins and altcoins have continued to fall, and market panic is high, but perhaps this is the opportunity that the dealer is waiting for. When most people choose to get off, it may be the best time for us to get on.

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