The recent market analysis of BNX is as follows:

The price of BNX has been fluctuating in the past two days, showing that there is a large divergence in the market near this price.

In this case, investors should pay special attention to the key price of long and short positions at the 1-hour level: 1.0457. This price will be an important reference point for judging the subsequent trend of the market.

If BNX fails to effectively break through the resistance level of 1.0457 during the rebound, the market may continue to be under pressure to move downward, and the potential target price below will point to the two areas of 1.0179 and 0.9898.

Investors should be cautious in this case and pay close attention to market dynamics so as to respond in time. #BNX币逆势上涨

However, if BNX can successfully rebound and break through the key price of 1.0457, it will be a positive signal, indicating that the market may usher in a new round of rising market.

In this situation, investors can consider opening long orders and setting the upper target price near the two relatively close price levels of 1.0715 and 1.1038. But please note that although opportunities exist, contract trading is always accompanied by risks, so you need to be cautious and do a good job of risk management when placing orders. #德国政府转移比特币 #ASI代币合并计划

In short, the current market of BNX shows the characteristics of oscillation and fluctuation, and investors need to flexibly adjust their trading strategies according to market dynamics. While paying attention to key prices, you must also maintain rational thinking and avoid blindly following the trend. #BNX币 $BNX $BTC $ETH