Is the altcoin already losing money? Can we buy the bottom? When will it be the bottom?


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During this wave of decline, many new friends in the circle have seen the decline of the altcoin. The biggest lie is that the altcoin can no longer fall. Funds have been talking about staying in the big cake ether. In this extreme market, we can feel what is a safe-haven asset that resists falling.

[The future market is especially in the next cycle, the altcoin can fall 80 90 points]

So can we buy the bottom?

As Lao Ai said in the early trading of big cake, since the break of 5.7, I have also entered the floating loss stage.

5.4-5.2 1-2 layer warehouse

5--4.8 3 layer warehouse

4.5-4.2 full lie flat

So how to choose the altcoin?

Lao Ai mainly chooses depin here to explain first, and will go back to the live broadcast tomorrow to select coins online with friends.


A decentralized AI computing and cloud platform is a distributed GPU system based on Solana, Render, Ray, and Filecoin, designed to use distributed GPU resources to solve computing challenges in the field of AI and machine learning. solves the problem of insufficient computing resources by aggregating underutilized computing resources such as independent data computing centers, cryptocurrency miners, and excess GPUs of crypto projects such as Filecoin and Render, enabling engineers to obtain a large amount of computing power in an easily accessible, customizable and low-cost system.

In addition, introduces the distributed physical infrastructure network (depin), which combines resources from various providers, enabling engineers to obtain a large amount of computing power in a customizable, cost-effective and easy-to-implement way.

io cloud now has more than 95,000 GPUs and more than 1,000 CPUs, supports rapid deployment, selects hardware, geographic location, and provides a transparent payment process.

Second, track sector advantages's decentralized resource aggregation is one of its core functions

2. Cost-effectiveness, low cost, scalability aggregates GPU resources from multiple sources, including independent data centers, personal cryptocurrency miners, and excess resources from other crypto projects such as Filecoin and Render.


io's institutional cost, we combine the position of the big cake to talk about the entry plan: Main warehouse

Currently keep your hands off, don’t enter the main warehouse until the market stabilizes.