How should individuals deal with the garbage time in the investment market?

In this regard, A-share investors may have quite a lot of experience.

The first method is to lie down.

This is the way most Japanese people choose after the economic bubble burst. Under the mountain of the times, personal efforts are very insignificant. Since you can't resist, just lie down and enjoy it. If you can't change the reality, change yourself.

In the words of the currency circle group members, go out in the rain, return to your original life, no longer be kidnapped by the K-line, go out for a walk, find beautiful women and handsome men to date, and get together with friends...

You see, whether it is Binance/OKX and other exchanges, they remind you every day, "Touch Grass" (go out and touch some grass, don't live in the Internet stratosphere anymore, look at the real world).

The second method is to run.

For example, in the 1990s, a large number of Japanese companies chose to go overseas and created a second Japan overseas. Many people also chose to go to China to pan for gold and look for new opportunities in the non-garbage time market.

The same is true for investment. When A-shares are in garbage time, many A-share investors turn to invest in the US stock market and the crypto market.

In 2024, when the crypto market is also in garbage time, investors will turn their attention and liquidity to the US stock market.

This is not speculation, but the real situation. The US stock market has siphoned a lot of liquidity in the crypto market this year. Many crypto tycoons worth billions of dollars have invested heavily in Nvidia\Tesla, etc., and have reaped rich rewards. This also reflects another situation: the overall wealth effect of the currency circle this year is far less than that of the US stock market.

The third way is to roll.

If the cake does not get bigger, if you want to get more cake, you can only grab the cake in other people's hands. This is rolling. You must be ruthless to others and even more ruthless to yourself.

The roll in the crypto market is typically on-chain PVP and wool.

For small retail investors, there are greater opportunities on the chain. After all, in the exchange, your counterparty may be market makers, exchanges and project parties, but on the chain with a relatively clear chip structure, everyone may rely on early participation to become the main force, and then rely on fooling group friends to complete liquidity exit.

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