#STRK $STRK STRK Precise analysis of today's market:

Market trends clearly point to shorts at the 1- to 4-hour levels. Today's core focus is around 0.5736. If the market remains below it, the 4-hour level short will continue.

Under the short trend, the lower targets point to

0.4708, 0.4542 and 0.4338 in turn. These prices are important references for the downward trend of the market. At the same time, be alert to the possibility of a rebound. The first observation above

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0.6050, 0.6211 and 0.6372. If the rebound fails to break through the above resistance, the short will dominate again and continue to decline.

Short-term investors need to pay close attention to market dynamics and respond flexibly to capture opportunities in the rapidly changing market. Follow me, live broadcast every day, one-on-one guidance, even novices can master the code of wealth, find me to see my profile or pin my articles #STRK.24小时交易策略 #STRK.智能策略库🏆🏆 #STRK.每日智能策略 #strkusdt