This is the first time to experience such a market!

In 21 years, the big wash started in mid-April, and the wash ended on July 20, which lasted for more than three months. This wave of wash also started in mid-April and has lasted until now, and it has been less than three months.

The same is the wash time and the increase in Bitcoin. The difference is the altcoin. The altcoins before 519 generally increased more, but this wave of wash was as uncomfortable as 519.

So everyone is experiencing such a copycat market for the first time. Whether it is ETF or interest rate cut factors, they are all post-analysis.

Since the market has come here, we can't do anything. Take Bitcoin as an example. Bitcoin is at 54k and Ethereum is at 2800. This big wash has cut off all retail investors. It's really a bloodbath! ! !

The market has been falling, falling, falling, falling, falling to a position you didn't expect, and then backhanding you. The sun always comes after the rain. Don't be anxious, don't think about opening Heyue leverage to recover blood, so you will be more mixed. Now just wait, wait for stability! Don't be afraid of not being able to go up. After falling to this point, there will definitely be a chance for you to get on board.

#市场行情 #山寨现货布局如何布局