Good afternoon, brothers! The recent market has continued to fall, and there has been no strong rebound, which reflects that the overall bearish sentiment in the market is strong, and it seems that the bottom has not been reached yet, so the main funds have not actively entered the market. #people🔥🔥 #PEOPLE.24小时交易策略

PEOPLE: At present, the 1-hour, 2-hour and 4-hour levels are all in a bearish trend. If today's market fails to stand above the key price of 0.06869, the bearish trend is expected to continue. The lower target prices are 0.06153, 0.05483 and 0.04889 respectively. #PEOPLE.每日智能策略

However, once the 4-hour level successfully stands above the long-short conversion price, it may indicate the start of a new round of rising market. At that time, the upper target prices can focus on the two positions of 0.07539 and 0.08239. #ASI代币合并计划 $PEOPLE $BTC $ETH