The NFT market recorded a volatile June as trading volume plummeted 46.31% month-over-month, despite improved performance over the past week.

NFT sales chart in June

According to data from, NFT sales in June dropped sharply, totaling only $258.42 million, significantly lower than May's $479.15 million figure. Ethereum, the leading blockchain in the NFT market, saw sales decline 50.15% in June, reaching 146.10 million USD. Similarly, NFT sales on Bitcoin also decreased by 48.34%, reaching 114.42 million USD.

A rare bright spot in this gloomy picture belongs to Polygon, with NFT sales growing 5.24% over the previous month, reaching 82.43 million USD, rising to third place. Behind Polygon are Solana with 74.19 million USD (down 38.64%) and Mythos with 19.93 million USD (down 20.3%). Bitcoin Pizza BRC20 NFTs lead sales

The top selling NFT collection in June was Bitcoin Pizza BRC20 NFTs with 29.17 million USD. Next is Mythos' Dmarket (18.82 million USD), Cryptopunks on Ethereum (15.85 million USD), Bitcoin Puppets (12.47 million USD) and Nodemonkes on Bitcoin (12.33 million USD).

The most expensive NFT transaction of the month belonged to Cryptopunk#627on Ethereum, which sold for $836,149. Second place goes to Punk#50on Bitcoin at a price of $306,725.

At the end of a volatile June, the NFT market showed the opposite picture when some platforms such as Polygon still recorded positive growth, showing the diverse development potential of this market.

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