Looking back, the 21-year bull market started in the midsummer of July

🚀 History echoes, the prelude to the bull market sounded in July

Remember the great bull market in 2021? Its magnificent chapter quietly kicked off in mid-July, like the most gorgeous fireworks in summer, lighting up the night sky of the entire crypto market.

🌊 Wash away the dross, the baptism of April breeds the flowers of the bull market

Interestingly, coinciding with this year, the prelude to the bull market in 2021 also began with a deep wash in April. After more than three months of grinding and precipitation, the market was finally purified, and then ushered in the eye-catching violent bull market.

🌈 In early summer of July, patiently waiting for the feast of the second half of the bull market

In a blink of an eye, it is already early summer of July 2023. Perhaps, we are on the eve of another historic turning point. Hold on a little longer, the second half of the steadily rising bull market may be about to start, which is the highlight of the whole feast!

🌊 The Ethereum ETF wave is coming, and the torrent of funds is unstoppable

What is more exciting is that the landing of the Ethereum ETF is just around the corner. This news is like a catalyst, which will attract countless funds to surge like a tide. We can foresee that the popularity of this wave of market will definitely surpass the first half and become a new legend in the market!

💡 Bloody prologue, prelude to brilliant fireworks

Therefore, every bit of "blood" and test we are experiencing at this moment is the only way to the brilliant fireworks in the future. Keep patience and faith, and survive this dark time before dawn. I believe that soon, we will usher in the new world of golden light-the dawn of dawn is waving to us not far away!

🔍 More exciting, waiting for you to explore!

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