The last drop is coming

The future market is a smooth road

Where should we start the layout for Black Friday?

Unconsciously, time has come to Friday. I believe that friends who have been paying attention to Farsight during this period will be amazed at Farsight's judgment if they have stepped on the rhythm correctly. The trend of the week is perfectly grasped. On the last day of this week, whether Farsight can win the whole week, everyone can wait and see.

In the last order of the day in the early morning, we successfully exited the second round of long orders around the bottom of the range, and at the same time told everyone to be patient and wait for new entry opportunities. Sure enough, Black Friday was accompanied by an early drop of eight, and we perfectly avoided it. The market went out of the second exploration, especially the concubine, which fell to nearly 3040 and approached the 3000 mark. The big cake retreated synchronously, approaching the 5.65W mark. The daily level received solid Yin K, and the trend seemed to have further downward signs.

It seems to be downward, but it is actually downward, but the turning point is coming.

In the arrangement of the mid-term trend a few days ago, we have mentioned the macro sentiment many times, so I will not repeat it. Here we focus on the MA120 line of the two-day level of the big cake. Why focus on this position? As the last support of the medium and long-term trend, once it falls below, there will be no support below to 4.8W. At the same time, as the previous low support and the concentrated position of the chips in the medium and long term, there must be a huge buying to save the market when the bad news is about to come out. Here you may say, then it will fall to 4.8W and sweep all the chips. Have you ever thought about it, aren’t short chips chips? But indeed, as far as the dealer is concerned, smashing the market has the greatest profit, and we reserve the possibility.

Then there is a trick here. Foresight believes that there will definitely be another downward exploration in structure, and it may even break through the 5.6 line of the big cake, but the lowest point should fall in the range of 5.5-5.6W. It will also break through the 2900 mark, but even if it breaks, it will close above the integer. If I were the dealer, I would have a good reason to do this for two reasons: first, to complete the cleaning of the last long chips; second, to induce the shorts to continue to look down. Although the buying took over, the strong positive pulled up, and the shorts were directly trapped.

Then we have a clear idea of ​​the day, and we should focus on the downward priority, and arrange long orders near the 5.5W line of the big cake at 2870-2900, and make a good big cake 5.4W and the concubine's 2840 defense is enough.
