There is no buying counterparty

Whether it is Bitcoin or CFDs, this kind of technical analysis is not very meaningful

I will not talk about the key turning points, let's look at yesterday's morning trading

Subsequent operations:

1. If the bull is there, do a good job of position management, do not hold a heavy position, cover positions in batches, and cover positions on the right side steadily. I have always said that I have five layers of positions in spot, 6-7 layers in Bitcoin Ethereum BNB, so I am fine at present. Once it falls below 5.7, I will also enter the floating loss stage.

2. Intraday trading, plug in the pin to make a rebound, and do it with the back of 5.65. This is what the radical brothers play. Trade steadily, don't do it unless it is on the right side, and don't make a stop-loss expectation unless a new high point appears

3. Don't do shorting on the floor, short when it falls below, and short on rebound pressure

This is the idea for Bitcoin and Ethereum

Separate spot and contracts, don't trade with a fixed mindset

Go out today, not online tomorrow, and go home the day after tomorrow