The German Empire, which lost the First World War and was a steel torrent during the Second World War, now also relies on selling coins to survive... It is really a miracle created by the times. German officials who support cryptocurrency are coming forward to stop the sale of coins.

The deepening of the left-wing confrontation in the entire European political arena also means that Europe is indeed heading towards a period of economic weakness. In recent years, Germany has also eaten up the industrial dividends left over from the Second World War.

The Federal Reserve wants to cut the European Union by maintaining high interest rates, but the left-wing confrontation in European politics has gradually lost its balance. Europe does not have much liquidity to cut. Recently, the European Union was frightened to urgently announce that it would not cut interest rates to prevent being cut. Japan has been cut, and we have been cut. It is almost time to cut, and there is no positive return if we continue to maintain high interest rates. We did not cut well, thanks to the unique monetary system.

$BTC #美国首次申领失业救济人数超出预期 #非农就业数据即将公布 #Mt.Gox将启动偿还计划