Fans of the Dan King finally realized that he had been deleting the wrong Weibo posts, leaving only the correct ones, creating a godly persona that predicted everything correctly. Fortunately, the fans realized that many of them turned from loyal fans to haters! Look at how badly he made the axl, aevo, wld, kda, mask, etc. that he had made friends with fall!

Big Vs like the Dan King deserve to die! They create fake personas by deleting Weibo posts, and they are actually liars!

I dare not say that my Weibo posts are 100% correct, but the general direction is basically correct. The only one that was wrong was the bearish low in October last year, which was also my biggest flaw. Regardless of whether it was right or wrong, all posts are kept. The awesome posts still witness my highlights, and the face-slapping posts are still urging me to make more accurate predictions!