The pullback is very strong, and the market is extremely panicked. But what I want to tell you is that what should rise will still rise, and what should come will still come back. This wave of pullback was as early as the beginning of June. The VIP group had already prompted the trend rhythm. But once the decline exceeds expectations, most people will lose their composure. Whether in public live broadcasts or rocket class lectures, they emphasize reminding large positions to make big cakes and sesame cakes. Shanzhai is always a small position game. Don't bet all your chips on Shanzhai. But don't be discouraged if you are trapped. Keep up with the pace and be diligent to make short-term differences to level out. Average price

The main focus is on spot trading, with contracts as a supplement

The contract should be controlled within 3 times

Only after experiencing such a market will you understand

It will be unforgettable

Tonight's big non-agricultural, live broadcast at 19:00 tonight

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