🚀 Blockchain's got a new beat: Decentralized Security (DeSec)! Zee Prime Capital's latest report suggests DeSec could revolutionize law enforcement, shifting from state-run to community-based models. Think distributed surveillance, radar arrays, and community patrol DAOs. 🕵️‍♂️

While retail apps might balk at the cost of security redundancy, communities keen on safety will happily foot the bill. DeSec's potential extends beyond policing, offering ways to bolster local electrical infrastructure against disruptive events like solar flares or EMPs.

The rise of DeSec is a response to growing state surveillance, failing centralized power structures, and a creeping global authoritarianism. Decentralized physical infrastructure networks could wrest power from ISPs and big tech, ensuring a free and open internet for all.

But here's the rub: with increased transparency comes decreased privacy. How do we strike a balance? Let's discuss below! 👇 #DeSec #Blockchain #Decentralization