The truth behind market volatility Recession vs. investor sentiment

From my personal perspective, I have always believed that market volatility is not just a number game, there are deeper forces behind them. Let's find out.

The shadow of recession: Many people believe that the last wave of market decline is always caused by recession. But the reality may be more complicated.

The independence of the current market: Although the threat of recession is always there, the current market ups and downs seem to have nothing to do with recession. They are more a direct reflection of liquidity and investor sentiment.

The power of emotions: In times of low liquidity, every ups and downs in the market are a direct reflection of investor sentiment. We must learn to accept this wide range of fluctuations and find opportunities in it.

Forecast of the future market: If the economy does not fall into recession in the next July to September, we can foresee that the wide fluctuations in the market will continue. This is not only a challenge, but also an opportunity.

The wisdom of risk management: Never put yourself in a position of full warehouse, always keep a part of the funds, and be prepared for market uncertainty.

Construction of the market bottom: Remember, the bottom of the market is not waiting, but formed through the continuous buying of smart investors.

Unemployment signal: In the United States, unemployment is a key indicator that can tell us a lot about the state of the economy, whether it is a rate cut, a recession or a market shock.

Disappointment strategy: When you are disappointed with the market, you might as well turn your attention to Bitcoin


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