🐚"Several important positions"

- ETF holding cost line: about 53,000

- Mining cost line, XP The mining cost in the United States is about <span the latest S21 is less than 40,000, and most of the other S19s have been shut down after the halving📵

- 56,000 to 57,000 is a stop-loss area. If it falls below, the position below is about 52,000 to 53,000, which is also the ETF holding cost line. It is highly unlikely that it will fall below this position. The extreme position below is the mining cost line, about 48,000 for XP

- In the past, the mining cost line was a rigid bottom. The impact of this round of ETF holdings was higher than mining, and the impact of mining halving was reduced, so it is highly likely that the ETF holding cost will be a strong consensus price area

- Of course, the fact that it has not been broken in the past does not mean that it will not be broken in the future. It just means that we should try to get closer to the market situation

We will also consider making extreme case deductions, so there needs to be a Benchmark

Emotional/technical aspects are also a benchmark. Now, the mining cost is a benchmark that has not been falsified so far. The technical aspect has been broken, and the chain is also

Overall, we believe that (countermeasures are more important than predictions)

- It is possible that the price of mining machines will drop below the short-term pin, and it is very difficult to stay below for a long time. The reason is that at this position, knowledgeable miners will form a consensus on bottom-fishing, so this is the reason why the price of mining machines is a rigid bottom. When miners are bottom-fishing, a large number of individual investors will throw out chips because of the panic of the price plunge accompanied by bad news. After throwing away what should be thrown, miners and institutions that release bad news will complete the purchase

- Market views are only the first step. In fact, it is the second step, 48,000 to 52,000 full warehouses. If the price can really go further, it will be very oversold. It may not be here. Ordinary people cannot pursue the extreme. Countermeasures are important

From the coal boss