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Binance Thunderbolt: Severely crack down on super swap cheating, more than 100,000 accounts blocked


Recently, Binance has made a big move that has caused a stir in the industry!

In order to maintain the normal order of the platform and ensure that all users can trade fairly and safely, Binance boldly blocked more than 100,000 accounts suspected of using super swaps to make trouble.

It is reported that these blocked accounts have many illegal operations, such as opening multiple accounts to pledge LISTA, accumulating points, and concentrating tokens in one account to evade supervision.

Binance took the initiative to strengthen the review. Once cheating is discovered, it will never tolerate it and decisively take severe measures to block the account.

Not only that, in order to encourage users to jointly maintain the order of the platform, Binance has also launched a reward mechanism to reward users who have verified that they report account cheating.

Binance has always been committed to creating a fair and safe cryptocurrency trading environment for everyone, and this action fully demonstrates its firm determination.

Dear users, let us all stay alert, report suspicious activities in time, and work together to create a better trading platform to make every transaction more comfortable!

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