Options data shows that whales are not worried about potential downside risks, and BTC's main short- and medium-term IV rose by 10%

According to Adam, a macro researcher at Greeks.live, the crypto market suffered a heavy blow due to multi-party selling, with BTC falling to $57,000 and ETH falling to $3,100. Options market data shows that BTC's main short- and medium-term IV rose by 10%, Dvol rose by 3%, and the increase in ETH-related parameters was slightly lower than BTC, and Skew was obviously biased towards the bearish direction. BTC's large bearish trading volume is obviously increasing, and the trading distribution is relatively complex. The 58,000Put transaction was the largest in the second week.

From the options data, whales are not too worried about the potential downside risks at present. They are mainly adjusting their positions for last week's quarterly delivery, especially ETH. Whales have shown low volatility expectations.