Since May, Bitcoin has maintained high-level fluctuations. At this stage, most players have realized that the bull market is coming, and they are all fantasizing that it will rise to more than 100,000 US dollars, and the copycats will make dozens of times more. Then the market will only fall and pull back to wash the market, because retail investors will not come to buy, and the dealers will ship as before?

Don't imagine that smart funds will pull the market at high levels, they will only smash the market at high levels. Similarly, if you don't pick up cheap chips at low levels, the dealers will not start a big bull market. Because the dog dealer is premeditated, Bitcoin has been pulled to 73,000 US dollars, a small new high, instead of below 69,000. In addition, the small new high is superimposed on the halving, and everyone thinks that the bull is coming, but this is the best time for the dealer to ship. This round of bull market cycle can be benchmarked against the bull market in 2021. The same is true that a straight-line pull-up is the moment of death.

Most copycats have fallen below the lowest point of the bear market. The currency circle market is at the bottom of the first wave of the monkey market's cross-裗蝛q1un:rgbn985 downward exploration market. After the rebound, there will be a second wave of downward exploration market, and after the rebound again, there will be a third wave of downward exploration market. No matter how the market falls in the future, many potential currencies are now very cheap and are worth lurking for a long time.