Did the dealer give up on SATS?

The last time ETH plummeted to around 2800, I remember the lowest point of sats was 221. This time ETH has not reached 2800 yet, but the lowest point of sats is 15. Didn’t the dealer say that the bottom is 25? Did the dealer give up? #sats

At the beginning of 2023, your goal is 50 times;

In January 2023, your goal is 20 times;

In February 2024, your goal is 10 times;

In March 2024, your goal is 5 times;

In April 2024, your goal is to double;

In May 2024, your goal is to get back your investment

In June 2024, your goal is to pay off your debts

In July 2024, your goal is to become a deadbeat