The violent bull market in 2021? Today, similar history may be about to repeat itself, the Ethereum ETF is about to land, and a new round of bull market is ready to go!

The big bull market in 2021 kicked off in mid-July, and the market adjustment that began in April this year is surprisingly similar to that time. After more than three months of washing, the market may be about to usher in a stage of steady rise. And the bull market in the second half will undoubtedly be the real highlight! The landing of the Ethereum ETF indicates that a large amount of funds will flood into the market like a tide, and this market is destined to be even hotter than the first half of the year. Although the current market seems cruel, every "blood" is the prelude to the brilliant fireworks in the future.

Friends, be patient, survive this period, and the dawn is not far away.