From the halving of Bitcoin to now, the rise is obviously weak! Today, I will not talk about technology, but from the perspective of human nature and environment. There are several reasons.

1. The world economy is in recession and consumption is downgrading. This is not only the case in China, but also in the whole world.

2. Due to the recession in the world economy, everyone is holding on to the money in their pockets, and investment is reduced! That is the current stock market.

3. BTC has become a tool for rich people to gamble and manage their finances. For most people, there are not many expectations. It is easy to change 10,000 to 1 million, but it is a little difficult to change 1 million to 100 million. It takes effort to change 100 million to 10 billion, and it is almost very difficult to change 10 billion to 1 trillion. After knowing this logic, you will know that BTC has abandoned the public.

4. For people with a lot of money, BTC is very good at 30% a year, and even 5% is a high interest rate! Therefore, currently, people who play BTC are basically rich people. For the middle class, 30% a year, 5% of the water can't solve anything, let alone for us ordinary people, so ordinary people would rather buy leeks than BTC, because ordinary people's expectations are too high, and BTC's expectations are too low

Finally, to break through this point, we must come up with a new one, take over the narrative of BTC and let BTC continue to create myths in another form. This is why the BTC ecosystem exists. The technology of inscription has long existed, and there are more advanced and fairer models than this. Human nature and environment are the factors that determine everything#非农就业数据即将公布