Regarding the market trend in the second half of 2024, Sister Chili has a few personal opinions for your reference:

In July, it is expected that the market will gradually get rid of the haze in the first half of the year and usher in a glimmer of light.

In August, this recovery momentum is expected to further strengthen, and the market is expected to usher in a significant rebound.

September will be a stable month for most investors, not only expected to make up for previous losses, but also to achieve a small profit.

In October, the market may warm up overall, the real money-making effect will begin to appear, and investors will usher in the harvest season.

As the market continues to heat up, in November, even investment novices may be eager to try and start to confidently share their investment insights.

In December, market enthusiasm may reach a climax, and many investors will choose to increase their positions at this time and chase the market, hoping to catch the last wave of the year-end market.

The above is only Sister Chili's personal opinion, and the specific market trend needs to be comprehensively judged in combination with many factors. For more detailed analysis and professional advice, please click on my avatar to learn more.

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