How can I quickly get 100,000 yuan in the cryptocurrency circle with 5,000 yuan in hand?

What I can advise you is to spend 5,000 yuan to make 5-10 friends in the cryptocurrency circle.

The way to make money in the cryptocurrency circle is definitely not to fancy a coin and buy it. This is just a superficial phenomenon. The root cause is poor cognition and information.

For example, when the previous inscriptions were first released, no one played them. When others played them, you also played them. This is stupid, but it does make money.

When everyone says it is good and the market value is 100 billion, you just stay and wait and see. This is also stupid, but it will not make you lose money.

When others are rushing, your cognition should be different from them. You can't rush.

When no one is playing, you have to rush in.

But where does this method come from? It comes from experienced people in the circle.

Make more friends, especially those who are upright, kind and willing to share.

It is better than learning any method.

To make money, start by making friends. Friends are an important channel for you to gain knowledge, insights, and information.

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