The transformation from a novice investor to a senior veteran:

First stage: first taste of sweetness, the market is sharp.

Second stage: the mood is uneasy, the profit is fading and the heart is hesitant.

Third stage: the loss is beginning to appear, the principal is damaged and the heart is more panic.

Fourth stage: deep in the quagmire, frequent operations make the loss heavier, and the pain is deep.

Fifth stage: immerse in knowledge, loss as a teacher, in-depth study of technology, fundamentals, and news.

Sixth stage: the market is a teacher, learn and understand, explore its rhythm and logic.

Seventh stage: be in awe, the more knowledge you have, the more cautious you are in operation, and watch the market change.

Eighth stage: do whatever you want without going beyond the rules, and be steady as a mountain when you act, the profit and loss are under control, the heart is calm, and the waves are not shocked.

If you don’t know how to plan next, don’t know what currency to buy, and are confused, you can check my homepage profile, and I will share more relevant information and communication opportunities for free.

#美国首次申领失业救济人数超出预期 #非农就业数据即将公布 #Mt.Gox将启动偿还计划