Where is the bull? Where is my bull? Who stole my bull? ! Beast!

What pressure point, what accumulation, they don't exist at all

Using the bull market of 2021 to trade the bull market of 2024 is simply courting death.

What low root does not exist. 5.8 has been broken.

This support was not held, and the next step may be 5.5/5.2.

If it holds for a week, it can be bullish.

But the current several major negative news bombarded in turn, retail investors, fled in a hurry, and the contract army died and injured.

Bullish, look at the end of the year.

#美国首次申领失业救济人数超出预期 #BTC #ETH🔥🔥🔥🔥 #sol

At present, the bull market is surging, and we have the opportunity to share passwords every day.

Again, if you don't know what to do in the bull market, click on my avatar, follow, bull market spot planning, contract passwords, free sharing.

I need fans, you need references. It’s better to pay attention than to guess