60,000 BTC is fake. It is the result of Wall Street funds pulling up the market to protect the market/providing liquidity after the approval of this round of ETFs. The previous inference of the currency circle is not correct.

The real position of BTC is about 40,000 now. ETH also has ETF expectations, and its real position is about 2,500.

The B currency circle will not be good for a day without the United States cutting interest rates.

The United States will not take the initiative to cut interest rates. In 2008, the United States cut interest rates because the subprime debt crisis broke out in the United States. The United States cut interest rates in 2008 to save itself.

And the United States has not yet reached the point where it must cut interest rates.

As long as the United States can maintain and insist on not cutting interest rates, the money that runs to the United States can stay in the United States. Once the United States starts the interest rate cut mode, the money in the United States will flow out.

The United States is waiting for an opportunity to cut interest rates. This opportunity is not when domestic inflation in the United States is controlled, but when economic problems arise in the world's major economies.

When other countries have economic problems, the United States can use its money to copy their bottom.

The United States insists on not cutting interest rates because it is waiting to buy the bottom and the world.

However, if the United States does not cut interest rates, it is possible that the United States will not buy the bottom and will consume its own economy. After all, with such high interest rates in the United States, Americans, American companies, and the US government will have to pay a huge price.

The bear market will not end until it falls.

If you want to know specific opportunities and specific decisions, check the top and get the position allocation strategy, which will teach you how to make money in the bull market and earn coins in the bear market.

#以太坊ETF批准预期 #非农就业数据即将公布 #美国5月核心PCE物价指数年率增幅创2021年3月以来新低