In a bear market, the most worrying thing is the sudden thunderstorm and liquidation storm. 👈👈

The current market conditions have clearly entered a cold winter for altcoins, and a month of consecutive declines has made the shadow of liquidation closer and closer. Ethereum-related ETFs have a bleak outlook this month, lacking significant upside momentum. However, it is at this moment that spot holders should stick to their position rather than blindly cut the meat. On the contrary, it is a wise move to use small funds to gradually buy the bottom. 🤭

If you can still insist on buying the bottom in the current market environment, then you have surpassed the vast majority of investors in the currency circle. This bull market may be your golden opportunity to achieve wealth growth. 🤔

When buying the bottom, we should give priority to those fully circulated tokens, whose values ​​are more transparent and the market reaction is more direct. This bull market will teach those project parties who lack sincerity and disrespect investors in the process of project promotion a profound lesson - only by treating people sincerely can they win the respect and rewards of the market.

Looking back on the past, whether it was a hot project such as ARB, which was launched when the second-tier network was at its hottest, and received support from giants such as Binance; or BLUR, which has a strong background, was launched on the largest NFT platform, and gained the platform of exchanges such as Eureka and investment, they have failed to dominate. This is enough to illustrate that hot spots or background support alone are not enough to guarantee the long-term success of a project. Therefore, those project parties that try to operate in an opportunistic manner will only end up reaping the consequences. 🤐

To sum up, in the face of the challenges of the bear market, we should remain calm and rational, adhere to the principles of value investment, and give priority to token projects that are fully circulated, have potential, and are sincere to others. Only in this way can we stand out in the future bull market and achieve steady growth in wealth.

#非农就业数据即将公布 #币安合约锦标赛 #美国5月核心PCE物价指数年率增幅创2021年3月以来新低