#非农就业数据即将公布 #BTC #IntroToCopytrading

Let's take a look at the recent trend structure of the big cake!

First, let's take a look at the overall situation. This morning's wave of decline has fallen to around 57,600, and it is only 1,000 points away from falling to the location on May 1. So overall, the support of the large range is near this price position. If it gets support, then it will be the second bottom test, and then rebound and rise!

If it falls below the previous low point, then from the trend channel, the gap of the large range below is around 52,500 US dollars, go to fill this gap! At the same time, combined with market sentiment, most of the bulls have gradually despaired, and the bears are rampant. This move is also in line with the interests of the dog dealer!

Next, let's look at the news of tomorrow's non-agricultural data. Because the US stock market is closed for the past two days, the overall decline is basically caused by panic selling in the Asian market! So these two positions are also the two bottom-picking positions corresponding to the cottage!