Hello everyone, I am Lei Gong. Today, let’s learn about the recent market crash of IO, the leading AI currency in the SOL ecosystem, and its subsequent potential and opportunities!

Introduction to IO.NET

io.net is a decentralized computing network that supports the development, execution, and scaling of ML applications on the Solana blockchain, combining 1 million GPUs to form the world's largest GPU cluster and DePIN.io.net aggregates GPUs from underutilized resources (such as independent data centers, crypto miners, and crypto projects such as Filecoin and Render) to solve this problem. These resources are combined in a decentralized physical infrastructure network (DePIN), enabling engineers to obtain massive computing power in an accessible, customizable, cost-effective, and easy-to-implement system. io cloud now has more than 95,000 GPUs and more than 1,000 CPUs, supports rapid deployment, selects hardware, geographic location, and provides a transparent payment process. IO Token Function

  • Payment currency: Payment and transaction fees within the io.net ecosystem, such as purchasing/providing underutilized GPU computing power and deploying GPU clusters.

  • Staking:Users can participate in network security and earn a share of idle GPU rewards in any of the following ways:

  • Delegators stake IO tokens on the nodes of their choice.

  • Directly pledge more IO to run on your own nodes.

  • Governance: IO tokens enable holders to participate in the governance of the IO Grants DAO by proposing, voting, and implementing funding proposals, which guide the allocation of funds and strategic direction of the GPU Internet Foundation.

Financing: The first round of seed round financing was US$10 million in May 2023. The second round of financing was US$30 million on March 4, 2024, with participation from OKX Ventures, Hack VC*, Multicoin Capital, 6th Man Ventures, Delphi Digital and other institutions! The market valuation is over 1 billion

IO.NET Token Economy

Plate type: Al + DePin

Total Tokens: 800 million

Initial total token supply: 500 million

Initial circulation: 95 million (over-the-counter price 3.2)

Online controversy: When this project was preparing to check the airdrop, there was a lot of controversy. The project owner was imprisoned, and all kinds of bad news came out. Many people's points were washed out. This time, it was directly listed on Binance for mining, which shows that the project owner is very strong, because Binance did not invest in this project, and it was still able to go online with all kinds of bad news. It is indeed a currency in the SOL ecosystem. Nine out of ten can be listed on Binance, and Wall Street is really powerful. As the first AI+DePin of the SOL chain, it is expected to become the leading project of the SOL chain ecosystem, and there are great opportunities for speculation. Pay more attention. #IO去中心化算力网络

Some recent declines in IO project prices

The cause is that IO insider trading has transferred 2.5 million IO, led by a person named Hanz, the marketing director of IO. Through 110 addresses, each address took more than 10,000 IO. The team is handling this matter.

The IO airdrop for the third quarter has already begun to be distributed, so the IO market has been hit, and today we are going to clean up the market with this wave of market decline. (7.5 million tokens)

What potential and opportunities do you think the io.net ecosystem and $IO tokens will have in the future?

IO.NET is a decentralized physical infrastructure network designed to solve the coordination problem between GPUs. It purchases GPUs worldwide and rents them out to AI companies that need computing power. It is the native token of the network. The future ecosystem and IO tokens may have the following potential and opportunities:

  • Combination of AI and DePIN: IO.NET is a cloud computing project that combines AI and decentralized finance (DeFi), relying on the powerful performance of Solana. It adopts a model similar to FIL, combining 1 million GPUs to form the world's largest GPU resource pool and distributed physical infrastructure network (dePIN). This model greatly improves resource utilization, making it the core of future computing resources. At the same time, it has strong alliances with projects such as FIL and Render, and many partners. These partnerships enable IO.NET to provide powerful power for the most innovative industries such as artificial intelligence and self-driving cars.

  • Growing demand in the decentralized computing market: With the continuous advancement of AI technology, the demand for computing resources in AI applications has increased dramatically. The decentralized computing market can meet this demand, provide strong support for AI model training and data processing, and show huge market potential. IO.NET is committed to expanding the network's GPU capacity and alleviating the global shortage of computing resources. It solves these problems by aggregating GPUs from underutilized sources such as independent data centers and idle crypto mining farms. By leveraging these resources, IO.NET provides computing power at a significantly reduced cost - 90% lower than centralized providers.

  • Token economy and incentive mechanism: IO tokens have multiple uses in the IO.NET ecosystem, such as paying for computing resource rentals, incentivizing GPU providers, and participating in governance. This token economic design can promote user participation and contribution, while also providing support for the value of the token.

  • Technological innovation and partnerships: The IO.NET team is likely to continue to promote technological innovation and improve the performance and functionality of the network. Cooperation with other projects and institutions may also bring more opportunities and development space to the IO.NET ecosystem.

  • Market trends and industry development: The overall development trend of the cryptocurrency market and the AI ​​field will also have an impact on the IO.NET ecosystem and the IO market. The demand for decentralized computing and AI technology will continue to grow, and IO.NET is expected to benefit.

As the leading AI currency in the SOL ecosystem, IO will continue to grow stronger with the development of the SOL ecosystem. In the next few years, the narrative of AI will be hyped up by the market. The space in the future is imaginable. The entry position is 2.6-2 in batches. The current market value is 248 million. You can enter the market boldly when it retreats below 200 million!

There is also an easter egg. If you have an idle computer at home, you can participate in IO mining. It’s just sitting there anyway, and you can get an extra serving of pork trotter rice.

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