Odaily Planet Daily News Coinbase has fought back against the U.S. SEC's motion to block the agency's chairman Gary Gensler's "reasonable discovery". Coinbase is currently in a legal battle with the SEC. Coinbase Chief Legal Officer Paul Grewal wrote on X today: "We have responded to the SEC's efforts to prevent Gary Gensler from making reasonable discovery in the case, which was initiated by the SEC (not Coinbase). We thank the court for its serious consideration of this matter." In a letter submitted to U.S. District Judge Katherine Failla on Wednesday, Coinbase's lawyers stated that the discovery sought from Gensler was relevant to the case, and "Gensler's communication on the regulatory status of digital assets and exchanges during his tenure as chairman is at the heart of Coinbase's fair notice defense." In a letter to the judge on June 28, the SEC stated that Coinbase sought to search Gensler's personal emails to determine whether he used them to convey his views on federal securities laws and crypto assets. “The SEC rejects this position and proposal,” the letter said. “The subpoena should be issued directly to the SEC. To the extent that it is an improper intrusion into the private life of a public official, it is based on his decision to serve. Given the complete lack of relevance of the documents requested by (Coinbase) and the potential chilling effect on public service, the court should vacate the subpoena and issue a protective order,” the SEC said in the filing. (The Block)