🍀 #Bitcoin is about to enter the GREEN zone (can accumulate)

As you can see in the picture, Bitcoin is about to enter the green zone where you can buy and accumulate after a long period of going sideways for about 3 months.

In the image, the indicator I used is DCA Realize Price. This is a partial support tool that helps us know which areas can buy (blue) and which areas can sell (red).

It's not that the price of BTC reaches those areas so we buy and sell immediately, but we also need other analyzes such as cyclicality, volume, psychology... But if you use it and look back at the past, it's quite correct. in previous cycles. And it was also true at the recent bottom in 2022.

Here I have linked a video set about using this tool to buy at the bottom and sell at the top.

👉 Learn Coin from A-Z: find CHN Coin everywhere

Please watch that video and try it out.

Returning to the main topic, if you are someone who has excess capital or wants to accumulate more but is worried about being bought at a high price or swinging at the peak, then when the price enters the green zone is when you can consider buying.

If you have any questions, you can ask us.