Some challenges facing LayerZero

In addition to these factors, discussions about security vulnerabilities in the Layer Zero protocol may cast a shadow on the ZRO token. 0x52's examination of UXDProtocol under the SherlockDefi program found potential issues with LayerZero.

Specifically, users claimed that the Layer Zero endpoint contract responsible for inter-protocol message flow lacked restrictions on message size and destination addresses.

This vulnerability creates potential attacks. Malicious actors can send messages with overly large destination addresses to intentionally cause errors in the contract.

These errors can disrupt communication between different blockchain networks, which may cause significant financial losses to affected protocols that rely on LayerZero functionality.

According to 0x52, this vulnerability may affect many protocols using LayerZero, especially those involving EVM (Ethereum [ETH] Virtual Machine) chains and non-EVM chains that use different address sizes, such as Solana [SOL].

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