#jasmy $JASMY JASMY is currently showing a bearish trend at the 1-hour, 2-hour and 4-hour levels. It is recommended to be cautious in short-term operations and avoid going long. In this rebound, special attention should be paid to the key price of 0.026363, which is the key point for the long-short conversion at the daily level. Once the rebound successfully breaks through this price, it indicates that the downward trend at the daily level may come to an end and enter the callback stage at the daily level.

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For the callback stage, the support level is mainly concentrated in the range of 0.024291 to 0.024024, and further extends to around 0.023591. The pressure levels that may be encountered during the rebound are around 0.027215, 0.027851 and 0.028131 respectively.

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