Today's funds 568 U, July 4, 2024

It's over, I've really lost everything now. It takes 1,000 U to open a contract to take orders. If I open a contract to take orders again now, I will not be qualified to take orders, because my funds are not enough for 1,000 U. I didn't sleep well last night. OK's BTC contract has been carrying orders, and Binance is also carrying orders in contracts. At 7 o'clock, the market stabilized a little bit, and my heart in my throat was slightly relieved. Looking at the bright sunshine in the morning, I went to wash the quilt. Just after cleaning and washing the quilt, OK's BTC contract also exploded, and Binance's Ondo also triggered stop loss and sold most of it, basically wiped out. Dead!

Today's rent is due on the 4th, where is the money? At present, I don't know where the rent money is. I withdrew 130 U from Binance to OK to make up the BTC contract margin, but it still couldn't stop OK's BTC contract from exploding. The speed of replenishing margin is not as fast as the speed of decline.

I calculated two days ago, and I still have about 3000U, and I still have a little hope in my heart. Now I don’t even have 1000U, I’m so desperate, writing in my diary, tears keep flowing down.

I don’t know where tomorrow will be, I’m so desperate, maybe it’s really time to end, I was given a chance but I’m useless, this sentence is really sad.

I just washed the quilt in the morning, it was sunny at that time, and it started to rain again when I was writing my diary, it’s really a rainy night when the roof leaks, let it rain, I don’t want to go to the rooftop to collect the quilt, now I’m afraid to go to the rooftop, maybe tomorrow I will sleep on the street, what’s more sad than losing money is that I can’t see hope, despair!

Back to 200U, in order to find money to pay the rent, wanting to sleep a safe and solid sleep is a luxury dream, wanting to eat meat in the future is a wish.

It’s over, it’s all over, although I’m unwilling, but I really have no capital.