U.S. election timeline

1. Party primaries [the two parties initially select presidential candidates]

- Time: March 5, 2024 - Event: The US election process ushered in "Super Tuesday", and the Democratic and Republican parties held primary elections for candidate nominations in 16 states and regions. - Result: Biden won the first place in 14 of the 15 states on that day

2. The first presidential candidate debate [the first televised debate between the two parties]

- Time: June 27, 2024 - Event: Trump and Biden held their first televised debate on CNN - Result: The public opinion of the debate showed that Trump's support rate for the debate was 66%, and Biden's support rate for the debate was 33%. Next, we will focus on the Democratic National Convention, the second televised debate, and the election voting day. For details, please see the analysis of Lianzhi later in the article.

III. National Congress

[The two parties formally select their respective presidential candidates] - Time: July 15-18, 2024, the Republican National Convention will be held in Milwaukee; August 19, 2024: the Democratic National Convention will be held in Chicago. - Event: During the convention, representatives from each state vote to formally select the party's presidential candidate and the vice presidential candidate nominated by the party, and determine the campaign platform - Expected result: Trump, Biden or the candidate of another party is confirmed as the official presidential candidate

IV. Election Campaign Phase

[Including independent candidates from non-major political parties] will start nationwide campaigning, including advertising, campaign travel, TV appearances, TV debates, etc. - Expected results: some hot issues may come up during the campaign. 5. Event: The presidential nomination candidates from the US party will hold a debate, which will be organized by ABC - Expected results: There will be hot topics during the TV live broadcast, and the appearance of the TV debate will be

6. Election Day

[Election of the Chief Executive Officer is essentially determined] - Time: November 5, 2024 (the Tuesday after the first Monday in November) - Event: Election Day, the official election day of the US presidential election, the first election will select "electors representing the House of Representatives", essentially determining the president of the United States - Expected result: The presidential nominees from the US party will hold a debate, which will be organized by ABC - Expected result: The live broadcast process will have hot topics, and the appearance of the TV debate will be subject to terms

6. Election Day [Election of the Chief Executive Officer is actually determined] - Time: December 16, 2024 - : Election Day, that is, the "electors" selected by each state go to the state capital to vote and finally elect the president. - Expected results: This move is just a formality and will not produce any substance.

The new president cannot take office on New Year's Eve, and other black swan events, that is, the Michigan State University Election Committee announced the end of its term on January 20, 2025. - Time: January 20, 2025 - Event: Presidential Inauguration Day, the inauguration day of the president-elect, and the estimated 2024 presidential election is officially over. - Expected results: This move will not have any substantive effect, and the new president cannot take office on New Year's Eve, and other black swan events, that is, the Michigan State University Election Committee announced the end of its term on January 20, 2025.