Under the current market conditions, the confidence of retail investors has generally dropped to a low point, and the market decline seems to lack clear motivation, which is puzzling. At the same time, the direct influence of news on the market has weakened, and it can no longer directly drive large fluctuations in the market as in the past.

As market observer Afeng mentioned, although the news will still have a certain impact on the market, its influence is not as severe as in the past, and the market's reaction is more stable and rational. This round of bull market is undoubtedly another test of investors' financial strength, but more importantly, it profoundly challenges our psychological endurance.

In such a market environment, we need to not only examine our own investment strategies and fund management, but also pay attention to and cultivate a healthy mentality. Facing the ups and downs of the market, staying calm and tenacious, and not being swayed by short-term fluctuations, is the key to every investor's success in the bull market. Therefore, this round of bull market is not only a test of our financial strength, but also a comprehensive challenge to our mentality and wisdom.

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