The profit charts I post are based on the leverage I actually use for trading. My profit charts are basically 50x leverage‼ ️

Because my position and capital size cannot use more than 50x leverage, so those who post profit charts are always thousands of percent, and those who post profit charts are always 125x or 100x leverage🤔I think everyone is a normal person and knows what's going on. It's just to cut fans' leeks through the high percentage yield of high leverage screenshots. For example, my 50x leverage yield is 600%. If I adjust it to 125x leverage, the yield becomes 1500%😂It looks scary and tempting, right? Maybe you will come to me to open a membership on a whim. Teacher Yongzhuan also thinks so😂 Ordinary traders can't open 100x leverage no matter what. In addition, those who open 100x leverage in serious trading are all insider trading. If you want to open a large position with more than 100x leverage, the position is restricted. So is there a 100x leverage to open an insider trading and take screenshots of 1000% or even thousands of profits to cut leeks?

Everyone has a normal IQ, and those who understand understand 😂Do your own trading well. Fans are not fools. Fans who are really capable will see it, instead of using high leverage photoshop or insider trading to take screenshots of high profits to deceive fans#美国首次申领失业救济人数超出预期 #非农就业数据即将公布

#美国首次申领失业救济人数超出预期 #非农就业数据即将公布